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Weekly homework

Weekly Homework:


Common Exception Word practice! Check your highlighted sheet and practice these spellings in preparation for the spelling test next week!


Due: Friday 12.7.24


Last week's Homework


Maths Y5 book: Angle Rules - pg 68-69

Maths Y5 Stretch AND Foundation: Angle Rules - pg 60-61

Maths Y3 book: Angles Worksheet

English Y5 book: Word Endings - The 'shus' sound - pg 76

English Y4 book: Suffixes - 'ly' - pg 80-81

English Y3 book: Suffixes - 'ment' 'ness' 'ful' and 'less' - pg 76-77


In addition to the weekly homework for maths and SPaG, we will add an online activity if you would like to try these too!

We are now testing your child using the Olympic Tables tests. These can be found in the Maths star folder.

Bronze - 2, 5 & 10 (24)

Silver - 3, 4, 6 & 11 (30)

Gold - 7, 8, 9 & 12 (36)

Olympic - all (60)

Championship - all (100)

These can be practised on TTRockstars and in the dark blue multiplication books. 

Your child will be tested every other week.

You can find your spellings in the spelling folder.

These should be practiced in your pink spelling books.

You will be tested every Friday.

