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Home learning with a child who speaks English as an additional language

Home learning with your child

Use your strongest language to boost your child’s learning!

Get your child to explain the task in your home language.

Talk about the topic together in your home language.

Ask questions about the work in your home language e.g. How does that work?  What do we have to do?  How do you know that?

Explain the concepts in your home language.

If it is easier, make notes in your home language.

Do a home language version of the work.

Contact your child’s teacher if you don’t understand the work.


Use a bilingual dictionary:

Online translator: - Microsoft Word:  highlight the text, select REVIEW, select

To hear text read to you: - Microsoft Word Online:  select VIEW, select IMMERSIVE READER.

Join / set up a WhatsApp, Face Book or other social media group with other parents, especially a group with parents who speak the same home language.

