Parkfield School Logo

Monday 22.06.20


Today's maths lesson is to multiply unit fractions (fractions with 1 as the numerator) and non-unit fractions (when the numerator is greater than 1) by and integer - a whole number. Remember to watch the video first as this will help you to understand what you need to do. Then complete the sheet, either by printing it out, if you are able, or writing the answers into your workbook.

For an extra challenge, you can also complete the GDS questions below.


This week we are continuing our block of work ‘Wonderful Wizards!’

Now we have looked at the features of persuasive writing, we are going to write a prospectus for your school and also a newspaper article.  We will finish the week with a little bit of poetry.

Complete the activities in your work books; remember there is no need to print the booklet, unless you wish to.  We hope you continue to enjoy working through this one!


Today you will be advertising  the school you designed last week.  Complete the task ‘Advertise your school!’ Look at the information on  Page 17 to help you with some ideas.

There are also some optional, fun activities which you can have a go at throughput the week, if you would like to:

Wizard’s Potions on page 26

click on the links below for two other fun activities. 

