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Monday 29.06.20


Today's maths lesson is to add 2 whole numbers with at least 4 digits using the standard written method. Remember to watch the video first as this will help you to understand what you need to do. Then complete the sheet, either by printing it out, if you are able, or writing the answers into your workbook. For a little extra help, you may find the PowerPoint below useful too.

For an extra challenge, you can also complete the GDS questions below.


Welcome to the world of Elves and Sprites! Our unit for the next 2 weeks is all about these creatures.

Today, I would like you to read through your booklet up to page 7. Remember, you don’t need to print out the whole booklet – read on screen and complete the tasks into your work book. There are 4 short tasks to complete today.


Task 1 – Read the vocabulary from the list on page 4 and match it to the correct definition from the table. Use the text to help you decipher the meanings of the words. If you are finding any really tricky, use a dictionary to help you.

Task 2 – Use the information from the report to draw a picture of an adult cave elf and a toddler. Remember to label them with information from the text too!

Task 3 – Finally, where do cave elves live? Look at the map on page 6 and choose where you think you would find them. Give 3 reasons for your choice.

