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Thursday 4th



GPS starter

Complete the questions below. You do not need to copy out the question, just the answer.


English task

LO: I can identify present and past tense verbs.


Look at the powerpoint to remind yourself what is the past tense.

Then complete the worksheet where you need to do two tasks.

  1. Sort the words into present tense or past tense. 
  2. Change the words into the past tense
  3. Rewrite the sentences turning them into the past tense.





Today we will be recapping one of our Year 1 objectives that was taught during lockdown last year. We will be looking at telling o'clock times.


LO: I can draw and write o'clock times.


Today we would like you to complete the following:

  1. Look at the powerpoint which explains how to tell o'clock times.
  2. Complete the sheet where you look at a picture of a clock and write the o'clock time in words.
  3. Complete the sheet where you read an o'clock time and then draw the hands in the correct place on a clock. Remember the hour hand is short, the minute hand is long.
  4. Try the reasoning and problem solving questions (green challenge questions are optional).

Other games to help practise telling o'clock times






LO: I know what a silhouette is.


Look at the powerpoint 4 and follow the instructions. By the end of the session you should have a silhouette for your animal skin.


Extension task: 

LO:I can create my own silhouette picture

Have a go at making your own silhouette picture based on the the techniques taught this week.

Look through the powerpoint 5 for ideas.




Other Tasks:

Remember there is additional work in the stars for:

  • Times tables
  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • Comprehension
  • Daily Reading (bug club and other online library books - see useful links section of the Year 2 home learning page)

