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This week we want you to look at different ways to spell the 'ee' sound and the alternative spellings for this.

The main spellings for this sound are 'ee', 'ea', ‘ey’ and 'e-e'.

However, there is also ‘y’ (usually at the end) and ‘e’ (he, me, she, be).


If you need help with how to pronounce the ‘ee’ sound or would like to watch a video related to this sound please follow the link below:

There are many games and activities to try for free on Phonicsplay.

You may log in with the following details:

Username: jan21

Password: home

Follow this link for a game to practise alternative pronunciations of the ‘ee’ sound:


Below is a selection of activities you can try to help practise your reading and spelling of this sound.


  • ea word search
  • e-e word search
  • ee word search
  • Read and colour (alien/real words) ‘ea’
  • Read and colour (alien/real words) ‘ey’
  • Read and colour (alien/real words) ‘e-e’
  • ey phoneme spotter
  • e-e phoneme spotter
  • ee phoneme spotter
  • ea phoneme spotter
  • Find the words in the picture (e-e)
  • Alternative spellings for ee

