Parkfield School Logo

Monday 8th



Today we would like you to start thinking about your own version of 'Bonkers.'

We would like you to complete the worksheet below. On the worksheet you need to change the two main characters and the vegetable they grow.

Finally have a go at thinking of some new adjectives and adverbs to describe your new character.



For the next two days we will be looking at telling the time to the nearest quarter of an hour.

We will be looking at 'quarter past' and 'quarter to' the hour.


We would like you to:

  1. Watch the White Rose Home learning video on quarter to and quarter past times.
  2. Look at the powerpoint for telling 'quarter past' and 'quarter to' times
  3. Complete the two worksheets for telling 'quarter past' times
    1. Worksheet 1 - Write the time in words by looking at a picture of a clock and write the quarter past time in words
    2. Worksheet 2 - Draw the hands on the clock by reading the time in words then on a clock draw the hands in the correct place. Remember the hour hand is short, the minute hand is long.
  4. Complete the two worksheets for telling 'quarter to' times
    1. Worksheet 3 - Write the time in words by looking at a picture of a clock and write the 'quarter to' time in words
    2. Worksheet 4 - Draw the hands on the clock by reading the time in words then on a clock draw the hands in the correct place. Remember the hour hand is short, the minute hand is long.



Games to practise:


This afternoon we want you to focus on PE and Music. We would also like you to have a go at some French if you have time. 



It’s so important to keep fit and active when we are stuck at home.


PE Task 1:

Mario has set you some challenges! You have to make the right choices to complete the level. Can you get the maximum points? Follow this link to find out:  


PE Task 2:

We would like you to have a go at the this week's PE task on the school website. See the links below.


PE Task 3:

As everyone had so much fun with PE Bingo can you do the Bingo card again. If you can, see if you can make each task longer by challenging yourself.


Click on the music symbol under this weeks learning.



Click on the French flag under this weeks learning


