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Talk to the man

“Thanks!” said Isabella.

“It's dangerous here, you have to leave and don't touch any more books!” the caretaker grumbled.

She felt weaker than ever. She had to read, or she was sure she was going to die. This time she went for a more decent-looking book. She reached out once more and as soon as she touched it everything went black…

“Hello?”she shouted, but all that replied was an echo.


Soon she started panicking.





Isabella tumbled to the ground. Her hands and knees were aching. Her knees were clashing nervously. All she could see was darkness and a faint familiar voice whispered…

“I warned you….” .

Isabella let out a deafening horrific scream.  Tears sprawled down her pale cheeks and there she died in the mysterious, damp library.  She was never to be seen again by her family -if she even had one- born as an orphan, always an orphan.


Wow!  What a bleak ending!  If you would like to try again for a happier outcome, use the links above to try a different path.


