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The Cleanest Classroom Award

Cleanest Classroom Award

Each half-term the Cleanest Classroom Award is awarded by Sansum to the class who have helped our cleaners to keep our classroom looking clean and tidy. At the end of the day the class have:

  • Picked up all pieces of rubbish from the floor and put them in the correct bin – remembering that paper and card goes in the green box for recycling.
  • Put their chairs on the table so it is easier for our cleaners to vacuum the carpet.
  • If anyone has sharpened their pencil, they have remembered to make sure that the wood shavings go into the bin and not onto the floor.
  • The class have put all used tissues in the pedal bin.

The winning class receive vouchers to spend on classroom resources plus have the Cleanest Classroom Award cup in their class for half a term.

Please click on the star below to find out which class has been awarded the Cleanest Classroom Award.

