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Wednesday 20th



GPS Starter

Complete the questions below. You do not need to copy out the question, just the answer.


English task: 

Today we would like you to retell the story of 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'.

We would like your story to be as descriptive and detailed as possible. Try to include:

  • Capital letters and full stops for sentences
  • Adverbs
  • Adjectives
  • Power of 3 sentences (e.g. The shoemaker wore old, tatty and worn out clothes because they were poor.)
  • Different sentences openers:

Once upon a time

The next day

That night


Two days later

(can you think of any of your own?)



We have included a vocabulary sheet below to help you.


Further support: If you find writing tricky and you are finding it hard to remember the story, cut out the pictures in the word document below and order them.  and then write a sentence for each picture using capital letters and full stops. If you can add adjectives.




LO: I can compare money.


Today we ae looking at selecting coins and notes to make amounts of money. We are looking at different ways of making the same amount and finding the most efficient way.



1. Watch the video:

2. Complete the worksheet below:

3. Have a go at the reasoning and problem solving questions:


Research rainforests.

You can either do your own research using books/the internet/an encyclopedia or you can take a look at our fact page below.


Write down five interesting facts you have learned about rainforests. 


Can you draw some animals and have a think about whether the animals live in the 

'canopy', 'understorey' or 'forest floor'.

Can you draw at least one animal for each layer of the rainforest.


Other Tasks:

Remember there is additional work in the stars for:

  • Times tables
  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • Comprehension
  • Reading
  • French
  • Music

