Parkfield School Logo

Wednesday 16th September

Welcome back!  It was fantastic to see you all on our Zoom meetings yesterday and we were glad to see so many smiling faces.  Don't forget our next meetings will be on Thursday between 10 - 11am when you will have the chance to share work and ideas, ask us any questions and receive support for the work set online.  In the meantime, don't forget that you can always email us as we love to  hear from you.



Well done for completing yesterday's arithmetic challenge.  Did you manage to beat yesterday's time?  Here are the answers so you can check how well you did and what areas you might need to keep practising:

I       a) 27              b) 177               c) 10

II     a) 64              b) 1000             c) 8

III   a) 4302          b) 4050             c) 302

IV    a) 9522           b) £1729.46      c) 126,000,000

V      a) 839489.7    b) 181 r4           c) 9



LO: I can add numbers with more than 4 digits.


Today, we are beginning our next block of learning and will be revisiting the four main operations.  We will be starting with 'Addition'.  Please watch the video below and then have a go at the questions on the worksheet.





LO: I can use colons and semi-colons in multi-clause sentences.


Please watch the grammar video below and follow the exercises.

Additionally, please complete on lined paper, or in your home learning book, pages 26 - 27 from your CGP reading book (News article).  If you have a different colour book, please continue working through the book in order.


Can you draw a circuit diagram?

