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Put the book back together

After Isabella had been saved, she turned around to see who had been her rescuer but the mysterious figure had gone.So she decided to collect all the pages of the book that had fallen apart .

Surprisingly, after the book had fallen apart, the title had appeared: it read ‘The Book On How To Break Curses’. She decided to fix the book and it took a long time – at least 6 hours.  It was a tense process . 

After that she decided to read the book: it was surprisingly helpful about how to break her curse.  All she would have to do was borrow the man’s kitchen to make the meal that would help her . Suddenly, the man had appeared in the doorway.

“Oh, it is good to meet you sir,”said Isabella.

“Umm… it’s good to meet you too I guess,”replied the caretaker.

“Oh I don’t know your name ,” she said with shock clearly noticeable in her voice.

“My name is Stevey and I am the library’s caretaker,” said Stevey.

“You shouldn’t have touched that book,” he said .

“Why not ?”asked Isabella.

“Cos,”said Stevey .

“Oh can I use your kitchen ?”


“YES,”yelled Isabella.

So Isabella used the kitchen with Stevey to prepare the meal to save her life.Once they had made it, Isabella ate it and she felt so much better.


                         7 YEARS LATER

“Thanks again dad for the time you saved my life ,”said Isabella to Stevey .

“Isabella, your boyfriend’s here.”


This is the end of this path but why not try the links above to make another choice?

