Parkfield School Logo

Wednesday 10th


Today we would like you to write the middle part of your new version of ‘Bonkers about Beetroot’.


We would like you to write until the your new character starts eating your new vegetable (e.g. when the zebra ate the beetroot).


We would like your story to be as descriptive and detailed as possible and in your neatest handwriting.

Try to include:

  • Capital letters and full stops for all sentences
  • Include adverbs and adjectives
  • a 'Power of 3' sentences
  • 'double -ly' sentences.
  • Different sentences openers:
    • Once upon a time
    • The next day
    • That night
    • Suddenly
    • Two days later
    • (can you think of any of your own?)


For the next two days we will be looking at telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes


Today we would like you to:

  1. Watch the White Rose Home learning video on telling the time to 5 minutes
  2. Complete the White Rose worksheet


Games to practise:



We are continuing our week's focus on  'safety' and today our particular focus is our 'Fire Safety'.

Fire Safety:

Today we would like you to

 1.   watch the following short fire safety videos with an adult

2.   then look at the Fire Safety powerpoint and find out all the rules for Fire Safety

3.   create a 'Fire Safety' Leaflet using the attached worksheet.



