- Parkfield Press 19th December 2024 19th December 2024
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- Parkfield Press 15th November 2024 20th November 2024
Well done for completing Friday's arithmetic challenge. Did you manage to beat your previous times? Here are the answers so you can check how well you did and what areas you might need to keep practising:
I a) 30 b) 680 c) 17
II a) 49 b) 27 c) 0
III a) 399 b) 799 c) 7.2
IV a) £2,388 b) 11,000.9 c) 630,341
V a) 1206 b) 402 c) 402
LO: I can answer multi-step addition and subtraction problems.
Today, we will be looking at how to answer multi-step addition and subtraction problems. Please watch the video below and then answer the questions on the worksheet.
LO: I can punctuate dialogue accurately
Please watch the grammar video below and follow the exercises.
Additionally, please complete on lined paper, or in your home learning book, pages 10 - 11 from your CGP reading book (Non-fiction). If you have a different colour book, please continue working through the book in order.
Usually, today, we would pick one of your brilliant homeworks to use as a quiz. For now though, using last week's knowledge sheet, record your answers to these questions:
'Electricity' Quiz
1. What is electricity?
2. Name a power source for an electric circuit.
3. Give an example of a material that conducts electricity.
4. List 3 items that can be added to an electric circuit.
5. Draw an example of a circuit diagram using the correct common symbols.
6. True or False? The force of the current is measured in volts.
7. Complete this sentence: Current - the flow of electricity is measured in .......... .
8. What are materials or devices called that conduct electricity?
9. What is the symbol for a buzzer?
10. What are electrons?
For next week, you will be reading about 'Food and Water' as part of our geography topic. If you would like to read it through with Mrs Rust, get your 'Geography: Food and Water' sheet out and listen in.
Please click on the link below to access the work that Miss Ferguson has asked you to try.