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Update- Easter Week 2
I hope you are all having a relaxing Easter and taking the time to do something creative. I had a lovely email from one of the children in Year 5 who had made an amazing video using a cardboard box as a prop for a hilarious video (the video is on the homework share star)! So here is an Easter challenge for those of you who are kicking your heels after whizzing through some of the Easter tasks that have been set for you.
The Easter Cardboard Box Challenge!
Your challenge is to use a cardboard box(es) in the most creative way possible- I know you all have some lying around after all the Easter eggs I'm sure you've been scoffing! Perhaps you could build a cardboard fort. Perhaps you could create a unique piece of artwork. Perhaps you could use it as a prop in a video, it is totally up to you. Any cardboard box of any size will do, let your imagination run wild!
Keep smiling everyone, you are doing fantastic,
Mr Chislett and Mrs Swarbrick
Happy Easter Year 5!
For the next two weeks there will not be any daily English, maths or topic work for you to do! There will however be a folder of activities that we would like you to have a go at over this time, many of which are Easter themed. For example, you could write about a new holiday that you would like to start, create some natural artwork or make some Easter-themed origami (if you don’t have a printer, you can still do the rabbit, carrot and egg with a square of white paper and decorate them after). The files are down below, enjoy these activities!
We would love to start sharing some of the work that you have been sending to us on our class page. There is now a star which says ‘Homework Share’ next to the PE star which we are planning on using for this purpose. If you are sending in pictures of your work can you let us know if you are happy for them to be shared? This means we can upload them to the website for all your classmates- who are bound to be missing you- to see.
Lastly, an exciting challenge for those of you who fancy it! The organisation Medicspot has launched a challenge for children in schools to create an interesting and creative way to encourage frequent handwashing. You could create a poster, film a video, record a song, do a science experiment or write a poem about handwashing, be as creative as you like! These can then be uploaded to and if you are selected as a winner then you may win some money for the school. Best of luck and happy handwashing!
Please remember to continue to helpful to parents, stay safe, and read, you are doing excellent everyone!
Mr Chislett and Mrs Swarbrick