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Times Tables

Please keep up with learning your times tables.

The order of the tables to learn are

  • 10s
  • 5s
  • 2s 
  • 4s
  • 8s
  • 3s.


There are a variety of ways you can practise your tables:

  1. TT rockstars
  2. Games found here 
    1.  'Hit the button' is a good game.
  3. Probes
    1. Find the probe for the table you are on, and then keep practising until you can complete the sheet correctly in under 2 minutes.
    2. Then move on to practise the next table.
    3. You can also practise mixed probes to keep practising previously learned tables.
  4. Look for other ideas on the 'Activities to practise your tables' sheet.

Activities to practise your tables

