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Hello Year 5!
Don't forget, you can email either of us if you would like to share your work or ask a question! Our Homework Share star is full of amazing bits of work and we would love to keep uploading more.
Heron class:
Swan class:
Remember to stay safe, be helpful to parents and keep reading,
Mr Chislett and Mrs Swarbrick
Summer Term - Second Half
We are about to embark on Week 5 of or 7-week half term. Well done for all the fabulous work you have been doing! Keep the momentum going for the next 3 weeks!
Daily English and Maths activities can be found in the daily stars as normal. We have set weekly work for the other subjects a little differently this half term. You will find attached a new homework web for the next two weeks. There are nine activities for you to choose from. We encourage you to complete as many as you can. You can complete them in whichever order and when suits you.
Don’t forget to send in your end result photographs so we can share them on our homework share page.
Extra weekly work to complete:
You will also find an activity passport for you to work through (choose one activity a week to complete), a marvellous music task from Mrs Brickley and some fabulous French activities from Madame Ferguson.
Remember to also practise your spellings, multiplication tables and read daily!
Useful Links
Here are some useful links to have a browse of at home. Some contain games, some are helpful links that may come in handy with homework!
- Maths: (A specific part of this website which sets a new maths task each day.) (Ask a parent if you can register a free account, there are lots of fun games to try out!)
- English: (Have an explore of the different 'sheds' for inspiration for writing.) (Useful for SPAG.) (A super blog with daily writing ideas!)
- Science: (Short experiments you may like to try- check with parents first!)
- Geography:
- Art/DT (Arts and crafts ideas.) (A fantastic local artist who shares creative ideas daily.)
- PE (Workouts at 9AM every morning.) (To login use- Parent email: and Password: parkfieldp )
- History (Useful information for history but also includes geography and other subjects.)
- Computing (Why not have a go designing our animal classification tool we were doing in school?)
- French (Some useful clips for keeping your French going.) (Also useful for learning French or any other language!)
Hello Year fives,
This is where your home learning tasks begin! We will be putting on an English, maths and topic-based piece of work every school day for you to complete in your home learning books. We are also expecting you keep practicing spellings, times tables and your daily reading as you were before (this is all on the timetable under the first day's work).
We hope you enjoy the the time with your families and take this as an opportunity to learn new skills that you normally wouldn't have the time try out. Alongside your homework, we will also be posting a positive news story every Wednesday as well as a fun fact on Friday.
There are links to explore at the bottom of the page in addition to work that is being set for you.
As Mr Jones always reminds you, be helpful to parents, stay safe and read,
Mrs Swarbrick and Mr Chislett