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Wednesday 3rd



GPS starter.

Complete the questions below. You do not need to copy out the question, just the answer.


English task:

LO: I can write a double ly ending sentence


An adverb is simply a word that describes a verb (an action or a doing word) for example sadly, excitedly, quietly, worriedly.


Today we would like you to:

  • Read the power point and complete the activities on each slide by adding two adverbs to each of the sentences
  • Complete the worksheet by writing out the sentences in your workbook and adding two adverbs to make the sentences more interesting. 






Today we are looking at recapping how to sequence events.

Our focus vocabulary is:

  • before/after/next/then
  • morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night
  • seasons (spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter)


LO: I can sequence events


Tasks today:

  1. Look at the 'Sorting cards' below. Have a think about when you complete these activities and sort them into 4 columns. 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Evening', 'Night'.
  2. Sequence the daily routine cards into the order you complete these in a day. Once you have sequenced the cards use the vocabulary before/after/next/then to describe your day.
  3.  Look at the seasons worksheet. Write the months of the year against the correct season. Then draw a picture for each season.
  4. Try your reasoning and problem solving questions





LO: I can choose one animal skin pattern to create a picture using either paint, crayons, felt pens, collage materials, etc.


Have a look at the powerpoint and follow the instructions.

By the end of the session you should have an A4 page with one animal print skin on.



Other Tasks:

Remember there is additional work in the stars for:

  • Times tables
  • Phonics
  • Spellings
  • Comprehension
  • Daily Reading (bug club and other online library books - see useful links section of the Year 2 home learning page)

