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Tuesday 30.0620

Maths - Subtracting whole numbers up to 4 digits

Today's maths lesson is to subtract 2 whole numbers with at least 4 digits using the standard written method. Remember to watch the video first as this will help you to understand what you need to do. Then complete the sheet, either by printing it out, if you are able, or writing the answers into your workbook. For a little extra help, you may find the PowerPoint below useful too.

For an extra challenge, you can also complete the GDS questions below.


Today we will continue to find out about elves! You will need page 7-9 of your booklet.

Task 1 – Activity 4, page 7 - Use the list of ingredients on page 7 to create a delicious menu suitable for a cave elf’s lunch.

Task 2 – Activity 5, Page 6 - What’s in a cave elf’s knapsack? Read the information about a goblin’s knapsack and choose 6 items you think you would find in a cave elf’s bag. Remember to give reasons for your choices e.g. Two fire-flies in a jam jar to light up the way.

Task 3 – Activity 6: Magpie openers pg 9.  Add any words you think will be useful when writing your report. Read the Cave Elf report on page 2-3 and the text on page 19-20 for vocabulary ideas.

